Red-capped Robin


I have six published works to my name:




A Spell, A Charm, my fifth poetry collection (2014), is available from Hybrid Publishers in Melbourne. Here is the media release (PDF 280K). And here is a recording of the Canberra launch on 15 July. (mp3, 28 mins, 29 mb). I have also made a Youtube version, which has a slideshow of my photographs and other images to accompany the audio.

The Way of Poetry is an essay on Daoism and poetry, featuring some of my own poems (ISBN 978-1-931483-17-9). It is published by Three Pines Press (use search facility to find it) and costs US $16.95.

Braided Lands is my 2010 poetry collection, published by Ginninderra Press. (ISBN 978-1-74027-591-0). PDF of full text (560K).

Jesus in Kashmir is my 2003 poetry collection (ISBN 0 9581938 0 0). PDF of the full text is on the linked page.

100 Elegies for Modernity is a sequence of poems published in 1997 by Hale and Iremonger of Sydney (ISBN 0 86806 617 6). PDF of full text (600K).

Unlove: 64 Poems was published in the UK in 1990 (ISBN 0 9515550 0 6). PDF of full text (300 kb).

Although you can enjoy reading free PDFs of some of my works from this website, for the true reading experience you need hard copies. Fortunately hard copies of A Spell, A Charm, Braided Lands, Jesus in Kashmir, 100 Elegies for Modernity and Unlove are available from me. They are all priced at $Aus10 each (including p&p in Australia); or you can purchase all five for $Aus25 (including p&p in Australia, overseas postage extra).

Please contact me if you want to purchase any of these and I can give you my PayPal details.

I also have a couple of PDFs of unpublished novels here.

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